Volume 20, Issue 3 (June 2022)                   Nursing and Midwifery Journal 2022, 20(3): 251-257 | Back to browse issues page

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URL: http://unmf.umsu.ac.ir/article-1-4683-en.html
1- MSc student, Health Information Technology, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran
2- Associate Professor of Clinical Toxicology and Poisoning, Food and Beverage Health Research Center, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran
3- Associate Professor of Forensic Medicine, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran
4- Associate Professor of Health Information Management, Health and Biomedical Informatics Research Center, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran (Corresponding author) , jabraeili.m@umsu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1852 Views)
Background & Aims: Development of the registry system for substance abuse poisoning may be useful in the systematic collection of information, prevention of poisonings, identification of people and monitoring them, ease of access to information, and decision-making in allocating resources. Evaluation of the usability of information systems is one of the most important ways to improve disease registration programs. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usability of drug abuse registration system from the users' point of view at Urmia University of Medical Sciences. Materials & Methods: This study was a cross-sectional descriptive one conducted in 2022. In this study, the opinions of 21 system users were evaluated. Census sampling method was done from the cases reffered to the Imam Khomeini Educational and Medical Center in Urmia, Iran. Data collection tool was a standard QUIS questionnaire with 32 questions in 6 dimensions including: general interaction with the system, screen, system terms, learning ability, general capabilities of the system, and usability and user interface. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 16 software. Results: The results showed that the average score obtained in the six dimensions of the usability evaluation of the registry system for substance abuse poisoning were: 8.52 in system terms, 8.36 in screen, 8.28 in learning ability, 8.04 in general capabilities of the system, 7.98 in usability and user interface, and 7.73 in the general interaction, respectively. Conclusion: From the user's point of view, working with the registry system for substance abuse poisoning is simple and easy to learn, and the screen and system terms are appropriate. However, the users were relatively satisfied with the capabilities of system configuration capabilities and its reports. Therefore, the designed system requires some changes to improve the quality of reports.  
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: پزشکی

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