Volume 13, Issue 11 (February 2016)                   Nursing and Midwifery Journal 2016, 13(11): 973-986 | Back to browse issues page

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solimany A, delpisheh A, khademi N, jafari nia B, sayehmiri K. PREVALENCE OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IN DURING PREGNANCY IN IRAN: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS. Nursing and Midwifery Journal 2016; 13 (11) :973-986
URL: http://unmf.umsu.ac.ir/article-1-2336-en.html
1- School of Health
2- Health departments
3- School of Health , sayehmiri@razi.tums.ac.ir
Abstract:   (7129 Views)
Received: 15 Oct, 2015 Accepted: 14 Dec, 2015 Background & Aims: Violence against women during pregnancy is rising as reptile and has been an intangible social problems. Based on various studies, obtained various statistics about violence during pregnancy. In the present study we attempted comprehensive statistics and Reliable of this problem Systematic review and meta-analysis method is presented to be able to problem solve with the broader view. Material & Methods: Thirty-two study using keywords Domestic violence, violence against women, violence during pregnancy,The databases in the country, including Magiran, medlibe - sid – iranmedex databases and latin pubmed, - google scholar- science direct – scopus were collected Data were analyzed using the software STATA (version 11/1) and meta-analysis (random effects model). Heterogeneity between studies was assessed using the I2 test. Results: After statistical analysis of the prevalence of violence in 15610 pregnant women is 52% (95% CI: 43 to 62) and the types of physical violence, sexual and psychological in order Physical violence, 19% (95% CI: 12 to 26) Sexual violence, 31% (95% CI: 23 to 38) and psychological violence, 45% (95% CI: 38 to 51) respectively. Conclusion: Results showed that the high prevalence of violence in pregnancy is very dependent by level of education and job in both sexes, and a strong relationship between the two categories with the Social and cultural level. Thus the increase in education and employment facilities can be a fundamental solution to the problem is in decline.
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Type of Study: Review article | Subject: مامایی

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