Volume 20, Issue 7 (October 2022)                   Nursing and Midwifery Journal 2022, 20(7): 601-609 | Back to browse issues page

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Faraji Dehsorkhi H, Rokni J, Mohammadabadi M. PREDICTING TRAINING TRANSFER AMONG NURSING STAFF. Nursing and Midwifery Journal 2022; 20 (7) :601-609
URL: http://unmf.umsu.ac.ir/article-1-4385-en.html
1- PhD in Educational Administration, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran , ،hatam.faraji@gmail.com
2- PhD in General Psychology, Imam Hossein Hospital, Tehran, Iran
3- PhD in Educational Administration, Farhangian University, Northern Khorasan, Iran
Abstract:   (1147 Views)
Background & Aim: Training transfer is necessary to improve the quality of health services provided by nurses. Despite substantial investment in healthcare training, studies show that only a small portion of training is transferring to the workplace. Therefore, the present study was designed and conducted with the aim of investigating training transfer among nurses using the theory of planned behavior.
Materials & Methods: Correlational-predictive research design was used in this research. The target population consisted of all 78 nursing staff currently working at Imam Hossein hospital, Tehran, Iran, who participated in the documentation workshop. Using the method of Hair et al., 53 subjects were selected by random sampling method. In order to collect the data, a researcher-made questionnaire, the theory of planned behavior, and a reporting checklist were used. In order to analyze the data, structural equation modeling using Smart-PLS2 software was used.
Results: The results showed, attitude toward training transfer subjective norms about training transfer, and behavioral control over training transfer significantly predicted training transfer intention. Also, the results showed that the perceived behavioral control towards the transfer of education and the intention to transfer education are significant predictors of nurses' education transfer behaviors.
Conclusion: The theory of planned behavior can predict training transfer intention and training transfer behavior among nurses. Therefore, this theory can be a guide for healthcare officials to create a suitable environment for education transfer.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: پرستاری

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