Volume 15, Issue 11 (February 2018)                   Nursing and Midwifery Journal 2018, 15(11): 851-862 | Back to browse issues page

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barjaste S, alizadeh S, Moghaddamtabrizi F. THE EFFECT OF COUPLE COUNSELLING BASED ON MARITAL SUPPORT on ANXIETY AND WORRY DURING PREGNANCY. Nursing and Midwifery Journal 2018; 15 (11) :851-862
URL: http://unmf.umsu.ac.ir/article-1-2775-en.html
1- MSc Student, Student Research Center, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran
2- Assistant Professor of Nursing and Midwifery, Reproductive Health Research Center, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran (Corresponding Author) , www.fmtabrizi@gmail.com
Abstract:   (5364 Views)
Background & Aims: Pregnancy worry and anxiety are recognized as barriers in labor progress. This study was conducted to determine the effect of couple counseling based on marital support on anxiety and worry during pregnancy who referred to the selected Health centers in Urmia. Materials & Methods: This clinical trial study was performed on 60 pregnant women and their spouses with gestational age between 18-32 weeks at Urmia selected health care centers in 2014. Data collection tool was individual information form, Cambridge worry and Spielberger anxiety inventory. Those women were randomly entered into the study groups (30 couple in each group). The intervention group in once a week, to 6 Session, was counseled. The non-intervention group received the normal prenatal care. Data was analyzed by SPSS-20, Mann- Witney-U, and T-test Wilcoxon rank tests. P-value less than 0.05 was considered significant. A randomized controlled trial was conducted. Sixty pregnant women and their spouses during 18-32 gestational weeks were randomly assigned into intervention (n=30) and control group (n=30) in 2014. The couples in intervention group invited to attend in couple counseling based on marital support sessions, and the control group received only routine prenatal care. State/trait anxiety was measured with the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, worry during pregnancy was measured with the Cambridge Worry Scale. Results: Mean score of total worry in pregnant women was significantly different in two groups of intervention group and control group (P˂ 001). Also, mean score of socio-medical, socio-economic, Health and Relationships were significantly different in two groups of intervention group and control group (P˂ 001). Also, mean score of state anxiety and trait anxiety in pregnant women were significantly different in two groups of intervention group, and control group (P
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: مامایی

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