Volume 19, Issue 2 (May 2021)                   Nursing and Midwifery Journal 2021, 19(2): 137-148 | Back to browse issues page

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URL: http://unmf.umsu.ac.ir/article-1-4383-en.html
1- M.Sc of Medical science. medical educational development center, Isfahan university of medical science, Isfahan, Iran
2- Assistant Professor of Medical science. medical educational development center, Isfahan university of medical science, Isfahan, Iran (Corresponding Author) , faribajowkar@gmail.com
3- Instructor of Medical science. medical educational development center, Isfahan university of medical science, Isfahan, Iran
Abstract:   (2214 Views)
Background & Aims: Continuous evaluation is necessary to evaluate the achievement of goals and determine the quality of educational programs. Accordingly, the present study was conducted with the aim of designing, establishing, and validating the evaluation tools for the specialized doctoral course in medical education based on the CIPP model. Materials & Methods: This descriptive study was performed in 2019 at Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. In order to design the questionnaire, internal articles in the field of curriculum evaluation, the latest version of the CIPP model checklist, and general specifications of the medical education doctoral program approved by the Ministry of Health were used. By determining the indicators of each domain, questions were designed in four domains: context, input, process, and output. After designing a questionnaire and selecting 10 samples by stratified random sampling method from three groups of faculty members, students, and graduates and 5 managers of the Department of Medical Education, face and content validity by Lavshi method and content validity index based on Waltz method and Bassel were examined. Finally, the reliability of the questionnaire was estimated by performing on 30 target groups in Shiraz, Tehran, and Iran universities of medical sciences based on Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Results: Based on the indicators, 71 questions were obtained for group managers, 88 questions for faculty members, 42 questions for students and 40 questions for graduates. The CVR value was 0.98 for the three groups of faculty members, students, graduates and 0.99 for the group managers. The value of CVI in terms of simplicity, clarity, and relevance for group managers (0.98, 0.99 and 0.98, respectively) faculty members (0.98, 0.98 and 0.97), students (0.97, 0.98, and 0.98) and graduates (0.83, 0.97, and 0.98) were obtained. To evaluate the internal consistency of the questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used. The values ​​of 0.97, 0.95, 0.83, and 0.81 were obtained for the questionnaire of group managers, faculty members, students, and graduates, respectively. Conclusion: According to the results of the present study, it can be said that the tools designed to evaluate the specialized doctoral course in medical education had the necessary validity and reliability and can be used to evaluate and identify the strengths and weaknesses of this course in Tehran, Shahid Beheshti, Shiraz, and Iran universities of medical sciences.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: آموزش علوم پزشکی

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